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What is the right way to write answers in UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020

Writer's picture: harshita guptaharshita gupta

How to write answers in UPSC Mains?

The civil services main exam consists of a descriptive sort of question. It focuses on testing the candidate on various levels. The deadline for the essay paper is 3 hrs without a word limit, except for the optional paper, there are questions with specific word limits like 250 words in optional subjects and 250 words, 150 words, and 20 words generally studies. The candidate then has got to prepare himself to answer all kinds of questions. the foremost important thing to be kept in mind is that the time constraint. Therefore it becomes necessary to answer these questions quickly and effectively and in minimum words.

One common doubt that students have is with reference to the design of answering questions, whether to adopt the paragraph or the purpose sort of answering questions. Though there's no set rule, it's knowing to adopt a method counting on the question asked. If the question says to debate, analyze, or critically examine, it might be better to answer the question the paragraph format. On the opposite hand, if the question asks you to list the benefits or give reasons for/ against etc., it's better to travel certain the purpose format of answering.


For this, it's vital to know the question first. counting on what the question is, whether one is asked to "discuss", "elucidate", "explain", "critically Appreciate" or "give reasons for and against", the solution should be written Accordingly because it's only through the examinee's sort of answering questions that one can assess his or her originality of thought and analytical abilities. The question should be read properly, actually, the question paper should be read thoroughly within the first five or ten minutes of the exam then one should choose the questions which are to be answered first. Time should even be given to border the solution in order that there's no confusion afterward.

A good thanks to writing effective and precise answers is to practice writing out answers. our answers should present the facts and ideas in a stimulating way and will never read sort of a passage from a book. it's best to use simple English and avoid flowy and ornamental language which takes our attention faraway from the first facts and our opinions a few given topics. Making a practice of writing out answers is particularly useful in managing the deadline set for the exam and to write down the simplest possible answer within the allotted time It not only improves one's sort of expression but also one gets won't to the time and word limits.

HOW TO WRITE an honest ANSWER: Best IAS Coaching

It is just not enough to understand all the facts and knowledge but the foremost important thing to be kept in mind is to write down a solution which features a clear and a logical frame, which presents information during a clear and concise manner, which doesn't contain any irrelevant or piling from information, which is interesting and ready to hold one's attention.

So the next logical step is to understand the way to write an honest answer. the primary step is to organize the framework where one can list all ideas, thoughts, and facts and write them down. it's important to adopt an answering style that is natural, original, and to the purpose. Emphasis should tend to the type of language used, one which is straightforward and clear without unnecessary use of nouns and verbs. The use of archaic and fancy words or language should be avoided in the least costs. Care should be taken to avoid grammatical mistakes which can provide a negative opinion however good the solution could also be. Last but not the smallest amount, it's vital to possess honest and legible handwriting.


Answer Writing Tips For Upsc Mains Provided by Best IAS Coaching Institute in Jodhpur

Everyone repeatedly talks about the effective part of the question. this is often different from the Introduction, Body, and Conclusion of any answer which is its structure. The effective part means which angle or perspective do they want the answers to be seen. The facts remain an equivalent but the presentation differs. To enumerate means represent in numbers and views means your opinion on those very numbers or facts. for instance in enumerating the population ratio you give data like 93 females per 100 males. But in views, you write that - the person woman ratio must be an equivalent that we'd like to require care of the girl child, etc.

We will inform you of the meaning and application of a number of the terms that appear repeatedly in questions within the IAS mains exam. We are not going by facts and therefore the sentences could also be funny sometimes. We are simply trying to drive the purpose home.

How to write an answer when asked to Enumerate:

Simply list the points about the subject and do not give a detailed explanation. "The population ratio of India is 93 females per 100 males".

How to write an answer when asked to Narrate:

'Early to late' this is often how narration occurs. So, temporal (time-related) sequencing is critical. you'll even predict the course in the future if asked. "The Sex Ratio in India was okay till the time of Independence but has been against women since then. In past, there appeared to be more females than males as males appeared to have quite one wife each. With growing say of girls more and more women and girl children are going to be taken care of then we'll perhaps return to having more females as compared to men."


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