UPSC IAS 2021 notifications are going to be released on February 10. The IAS notification is that the official source of all the knowledge associated with the vacancies, eligibility, exam pattern, syllabus, and dates. The UPSC notification also provides a small print about the number of optional subjects within the IAS main exam. there's one Supreme Court direction of granting another plan to the candidates who were corona warriors. The matter remains into account and therefore the UPSC is yet to make a decision on providing extra plans to the candidates.
UPSC Notification is the first official information regarding the government officials (IAS) exam. UPSC releases the Civil Services (IAS) Notification and starts the IAS exam process. No changes are wiped out the IAS Eligibility, the number of attempts, CSAT, UPSC IAS exam pattern, IAS syllabus, and optional subjects.
The candidates should carefully read the UPSC IAS notification because it also conveys what's expected from an IAS aspirant. Some most vital points of the UPSC IAS notification are as follows.
UPSC Vacancies
The UPSC notification will officially confirm the number of vacancies and it'll have an impression on the entire examination process. per annum, the amount of vacancies is approximately 800 to 1000. But in recent years, the amount of vacancies is declining within the official UPSC notification. UPSC vacancies are the reflection of the need in various Civil Services and therefore the three All India Services i.e IAS, IPS, and IFoS.
Age Limit for IAS
Most of the IAS aspirants wait eagerly for the UPSC notification 2021 to understand whether the regulation for the IAS exam is reduced or remains equivalent. The regulation is a crucial factor due to the limited number of attempts permitted within the IAS Exam.
There is a proposal into account to scale back the upper regulation for the UPSC IAS exam. This proposal was circulated supported various committees' recommendations. But as of now, the lower regulation for the IAS exam is 21 years, and therefore the upper regulation is 32 years and the relaxations within the upper regulation also is provided to the candidates belonging to the reserved categories.
IAS Application
UPSC Notification will provide concrete information associated with the UPSC IAS application and filling the web form with the deadline. UPSC IAS applications are going to be available to the candidates for 20 days. The candidates got to fill the IAS form and submit the prescribed fee as per the category. The candidates should double-check the small print filled within the IAS application because once the appliance is accepted, it'll be very difficult to vary any detail.
UPSC IAS Exam Dates
The UPSC notification provides all the small print about the important dates associated with the appliance and exam. The candidates should ask for the UPSC notification for the official dates associated with the IAS exam 2021.
IAS Syllabus and Pattern
UPSC notification 2021 is going to be the sole official source to understand the IAS Syllabus. There are speculations that UPSC might change the IAS main(written) pattern and do away with the optional subject. If this happens, there'll be an enormous impact on the IAS result because all the candidates are going to be at par under the new pattern.
The changes within the pattern of the IAS main exam will have far-reaching consequences. UPSC 2021 notification will specify the small print associated with the IAS exam pattern and put the speculation to rest.
If you want to prepare IAS Exam online, you can enroll in the IAS Online Course to start your preparation at home and get online course benefits such as audio lectures, video lectures, live quizzes, mock test series, and many more.