Ultimate Guide to choose the right Prelims Test Series for UPSC IAS Exam 2020.
If you study the success rate of the Civil Services Prelims Exam, you'd notice that around ten lakh aspirants (according to the UPSC in 2019), who filled the shape and around twelve thousand of them got an opportunity to seem for the mains exam. Statistically, this may cause a hit rate of just 1.2% only. albeit we consider the candidates, who actually took the prelims exam, which is around 5 lakhs (rest of them didn't feel confident enough to seem for the exam and chose to not waste their precious attempt) only, the success rate within the civil services prelims exam won’t re-evaluate mere 2.4%. In simple words, out of each 100 candidates, 97.4 candidates won't get a chance to seem for the mains exam. you would possibly be feeling this is often tough considering the very fact that CSE Prelims is simply a qualifying paper, conceptualized by Kothari Commission way back in 1979, to filter the intense aspirants for the mains exam.
Anyone who is serious about the UPSC Civil Services Exam and needs to become an IAS or an IPS or an IFS (or during a generalized term, a civil servant) must understand that the Prelims exam is that the first frontier that you simply must conquer. We must also assure that this is often tough and you've got to place your best foot forward to realize this goal. an honest prelims test series may be a very potent tool that will assist you in achieving success. the purpose is the way to list the test series that's right for you. so as to know this, first understand what you'd got to score 110+ out of 200 within the prelims exam (going by the cut-offs that we've seen within the last 3-4 years).
Let us first understand what would you need from a test series which will assist you in clearing the prelims exam with ease.
a) Completely revising the NCERT books for Prelims:
Every year those that clear the Civil Services Exam underline the importance of NCERTs in preparing for the Civil Services Exam. However, only a few aspirants take this recommendation seriously. Most of them feel that once we are covering standard reference books like Lakshmikanth and Savinder Singh etc then there's no got to cover the NCERTs. Nothing is often beyond truth as we've seen repeatedly within the last numerous years that NCERTs hold the key to success within the IAS Prelims exam. you would like to travel through them very exhaustively. At an equivalent time, you would like a benchmark that will assist you to understand how well have you ever skilled. an honest test series must pay due attention to the NCERTs and you ought to keep this together of the important selection criteria for the prelims test series.
b) Covering all standard reference books for UPSC IAS Exam:
Most folks know that preparing for the Civil Services Exam would require you to hide everything under the sun (of course guided by the syllabus). At an equivalent time, you would like to rationalize your resources for your preparation. we've observed that there are some standard sources that are employed by the UPSC for creating the prelims test paper. you ought to undergo these books and understand through regular testing about your level of preparedness. So, coverage of all the quality source must be the second criteria for shortlisting a test series for you.
c) Learning and testing should be linear and progressive in nature:
All folks learn things progressively and this is often the proper thanks to steeling oneself against the exam. At the initial stage, once you undergo the essential books, the tests should specialize in concept building and revision. As you progress up the ladder of learning, the tests should become more comprehensive, analytical, and linked to the present affairs of the respective subject. Let’s take an easy example, if on the day one among Kindergarten class, a toddler is formed to know the famous plays of Shakespeare or Kalidaas then it might help nobody. A learning cycle has got to be defined. It should be progressive and will assist you to understand the wants of the prelims exam in a balanced manner. This (Progressive learning through topic tests, thematic tests, and Full-Length Tests) should be your next important criteria to settle on the proper test series for you.
d) Coverage of Current Affairs for IAS Prelims exam:
Current Affairs has emerged because of the most vital ingredient for brewing success within the exam. Before we move further, let’s understand how current affairs is vital. Quantitatively, within the last 3-4 years, quite 50 percent of the questions within the prelims exam were from the present affairs. At an equivalent time, qualitatively, these questions are asked as a part of subjects like Polity & Governance, Economic Development, Environment, Ecology, and Biodiversity, etc. So, the present affairs need to be studied in such a fashion where you'll backlink them to the subjects/topics mentioned within the syllabus and spillover subject. Over and above this, you've got to make sure that you simply cover current affairs of about 17-18 months before the exam. So, anyone who goes to seem for the exam on 31st May 2020 should cover current affairs from January 2019 to May 2019. Choose the test series which helps you in covering the present affairs qualitatively and quantitatively.
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