During IAS Preparation, the life sort of aspiring candidates matters tons. From the initial stage of their preparation for the IAS Exam, the IAS aspirants should specialize in such activities that shouldn't hamper his/their enthusiasm to become an IAS and help his/her entry into civil services. With ever-increasing competition, cracking the IAS exam has become a mammoth task for aspirants.
In fact, per annum, the gap between the few fortunate who are selected for IAS and therefore the others who don’t make the cut, is shrinking and not many are ready to find out the rationale . one among the key reasos that make IAS exam so tough is aside from being a test of data it's also a test of lifestyle, personality and character traits of the aspirant. While, knowledge is often accumulated from books and resources but lifestyle qualities like self-discipline, motivation, punctuality et al. cannot. they're a part of one’s lifestyle and are incubated over years. These make an important difference for candidates when it involves the ultimate selection. If you furthermore may want to face aside from the gang when it involves IAS exam, here’s how your lifestyle can assist you.
Being a Bookworm
You might have heard your tutors; coaches and even peers tell you that learning and thinking is that the key to cracking the IAS exam. Well, they weren't kidding! the sole thanks to tackling the ever-expanding syllabus of the IAS CSAT Exam and even the extensive curriculum of subject-specific papers, you'll need to develop a reading habit. This reading habit can't be forced upon you and wishes to return naturally. Therefore, being a bookworm will surely add your favor if you're preparing for the IAS examination. additionally, to the knowledge you accumulate with the assistance of books, you'll also improve your language skills and learn to incorporate new writing styles in your arsenal.
In addition to being a bookworm, you ought to also attempt to attempt to take up reading different genres and kinds of books. If you're only comfortable reading fiction or novels and not academic books, it might not serve you alright. Therefore, attempt to diversify your reading habit by including different types of books in your reading schedule.
Watching Knowledgeable TV Channels
This is another vital lifestyle trait that will go an extended way in helping you in your journey towards being an IAS office. Several research studies have proven that we as humans retain more information in graphical form instead of simple text. This works well for IAS aspirants who are hooked on watching TV. Today, one can find several knowledgeable TV channels including the veterans like Discovery and National Geographic which may assist you to enhance your knowledge on different topics. Furthermore, with increasing specialization in India, these channels have started producing India-centric shows and video content which will assist you to learn tons about our country.
Use the Internet to your advantage
We are within the internet age today and it's quite natural for IAS aspirants to depend on the web to help their preparation efforts for the mother of all exams. aside from the dedicated websites for IAS aspirants, you'll also check out other alternative sources like YouTube, Google News, Wikipedia et al. to support your preparation needs.
In fact, many successful candidates have ranked Utkarsh and YouTube among the simplest resources available to IAS aspirants to know complex concepts and topics that aren't a part of their core academics. as an example, a student from a humanities background can easily devour the fundamentals of thermodynamics through tutorial videos. Similarly, Google News can go an extended way in ensuring that you simply have all the newest updates about events and happenings of national also as global importance.
There is an old adage that says ‘there are not any better thanks to learning than travel’ and this completely holds true when it involves the IAS exam. If you're a travel buff and like visiting new and interesting places, it can teach you tons about the history, culture, and even geography of the place. Travelling puts tons of things into perspective! For the bulk of IAS aspirants living in the north, learning about Mughal history is often a cakewalk, all you would like to try to do is head bent the favored forts and other places that are featured within the syllabus. Visiting Red Fort will teach you more about the history related to it instead of reading 100 pages about it.
Similarly, if you would like to find out about the topography of the Aravali Mountains, it might be immensely helpful if you've got visited them face to face. one of the simplest learning experiences on behalf of me has been visiting the 7 sisters of the north-east where I learned about the drastically different culture and traditions of the region. It changed my perspective and provided me new insights and innovative perspectives to create my answers when it came to topics from North-eastern states.
Be Creative
A mentor once said, creative people don't see things for they're, they see for what they will be! If you're an IAS aspirant, this quote should be one of your success mantras in life. As an IAS officer, you'd be expected to assess tons of various situations, make difficult judgment calls that may need some creativity and out of the box solutions. In short, reading between the lines and offering simple yet creative solutions for complex problems would be your prime responsibility.
The exam also tests this ability of yours throughout the IAS examination and thus creativity would assist you to become a successful IAS officer. In fact, creativity also can assist you to devise an innovative preparation strategy to crack the IAS exam.
Start IAS Preparation and enroll for the IAS Online course to prepare at home, we provide a comprehensive guide that will give surely success to an IAS Aspiratns.