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Income Tax Inspector is that the hottest job profile through SSC CGL

Writer: harshita guptaharshita gupta

Income Tax Inspector is that the hottest job profile through SSC CGL

There are quite 30 different job profiles that are offered through SSC CGL that lakhs of aspirants fight day in the outing. Each and each one among the candidates features a different priority and different tastes. It’s almost impossible to seek out an employment profile that suits each of the aspirants. Some might just like the power of CBI while some might crave for the charm of the tax department while some others might want to travel around the world by getting selected within the Ministry of External Affairs. There could be some others who would a bit like to possess employment regardless of what the rank or location is. Here I will be able to explain the overall method by which you set your target and work accordingly. we should always be conscious of the trail and therefore the final destination before we start slogging, shouldn’t we? you opt for the ultimate destination (read desired job profile) and that I will tell you the trail.

Income Tax Inspector is that the hottest job profile through SSC CGL and let's assume that you simply are targeting it through SSC CGL.

Now, Preparation of any exam consists of the subsequent two phases

Creating a mindset

The actual preparation of the exam.

Creating a mindset:-

You want to become a tax INSPECTOR but first, you would like to ask yourself a couple of questions –

Why does one want to become a tax inspector? it's going to be anything like respect, making parents proud, making ex-lover jealous, serving the country, extra cash (no one openly admits it but this is often also an enormous factor), or anything. you would like to not tell it to anyone but just be clear with yourself. Whatever your reason is, it should be large enough to push you to review the table even within the most depressing mood of yours.

Keep in mind the timeframe. SSC CGL 2018 tier 1 goes to be held in April-May (no one knows exactly except SSC), tier 2 in August-October 2019, and tier 3 in around 2019 end. Final leads to March-April 2020 then add another six months for joining. this might be further delayed thanks to irregularities in exam conduction or the other “technical glitch”. So keep this thing in mind beforehand that the method goes to require two years from now. you're alleged to study rather well a minimum of till tier 2.

Always keep these two quotes by APJ Abdul Kalam in your mind and admit the very fact that you simply got to study and make a couple of sacrifices for a minimum of one year.

“Dream isn't that which you see while sleeping, it's something that doesn’t allow you to sleep.”

“If you would like to shine sort of a Sun, first burn sort of a Sun.”

If you're comfortable with the above points, then you're able to go. If unsure, then take each day or two and introspect. If you've got the other option aside from SSC, then provide a thought thereto and ultimately decide what you would like.

Preparation Phase for tax Officer Post:

SSC CGL 2018 goes to be more or less of the same difficulty level as that of 2016 and 2017. stop in SSC CGL 2016 for tax Inspector was around 559 for general category and it's getting to be more or less same this year too.

Let’s assume stop is going to be 560 in CGL 2018.

The real charm for an inspector post is in the home state and you'd wish to get an equivalent. For home posting or desired location, add 15 marks (especially for north India).

Take 8-10 marks as insurance.

So you would like around 585/700.

Don’t keep quiet 65 for tier 3 as there's some luck factor involved in it. If you score quite 65, then great but till tier 2 you would like to be around 520.

Tier 1:-

You need to possess around 175 in tier 1. Believe me, the entire game depends on tier 1. Around fifteen thousand candidates score quite 150 in tier 1 against a mere ten thousand vacancies. Additionally, there are quite a thousand candidates at each mark. But this frequency is far lower above 170 and you'll be in a pretty good situation if you score this much.

Tier 2:-

Score around 345. It’s a serious challenge to attain this much but not impossible. There are many students per annum who breach this barrier of 350. So there's no reason for you to not score this much.

Break this target of 175 and 350 in sectional targets consistent with your strength and weaknesses. to attain this much, you would like to be pretty good altogether parts of tier 1 and a couple of.

How to prepare SSC-CGL if you would like to become a tax Officer:

English– Preparing English for SSC-CGL Exam

Maths: Important Tips in SSC-CGL Exam.


General awareness

Important points to stay in mind:-

  • Appear for mocks but if you are doing not analyze them properly, then you're wasting some time. it'll be far better if you give limited mocks but analyze them properly.

  • Be according to your studies. this is often the most important challenge we face while preparing for any competitive exam. attempt to maintain a diary to stay at check.

  • Do not isolate yourself from the outer world. Prioritize your activities and keep those social gatherings to a minimum but don't isolate yourself. You obviously wouldn't wish to find yourself in depression if you fail somehow.

  • Don’t fall for brief-term pleasures. the method of preparation is clearly boring and people temptations will definitely draw you towards them. Just take care and always keep your target in your mind.

Candidates who are preparing for SSC Exam join our SSC Online Coaching and start your preparation. We will furnish you with the best possible resources that will help you prepare from your end, and provide you with video and audio lectures which ensure that the students have no doubts regarding any topic whatsoever.


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