IAS Cut Off Marks of Prelims, Mains & Interview 2020
UPSC Cut off Marks of IAS Prelims Exam
UPSC Civil Services preliminary exam is that the initiative of the choice process for various Civil Services. UPSC preliminary exam of Civil Services consists of two compulsory papers, namely General Studies Paper-I (GS Paper I) and General Studies Paper-II (GS Paper II) which is usually mentioned as government officials Aptitude Test (CSAT).
General Studies Paper I is of qualifying nature for Mains Written Exam. The marks obtained during this paper are considered for shortlisting to the Mains Exam. UPSC decides to stop marks for this paper.
In General Studies Paper-II, candidates got to secure the minimum qualifying marks which are 66, i.e., 33% of 200 marks. stop marks aren't applicable to the present paper.
Thus for shortlisting candidates to UPSC Civil Services Mains written examination, UPSC considers marks obtained by the candidates in GS Paper I and qualifying marks in GS Paper-II.
Each year on the average, supported the Civil Services Prelim cut-off marks decided by UPSC, the amount of candidates to be shortlisted for UPSC Civil Services Mains Examination is around 12 to 13 times the entire number of vacancies to be filled through the UPSC Civil Services Exam.
UPSC Cut OFF Marks for IAS Mains Exam
UPSC Mains written examination is the second step of the UPSC Civil Services Selection process. UPSC Mains Examination consists of nine papers of conventional essay type, out of which two are qualifying papers (Paper A - Indian Language, Paper B - English), each of 300 marks, and 7 other papers (Paper I to Paper VII) are compulsory which are of 250 marks each and are counted for merit.
Only candidates who secure stop marks (as decided by UPSC) in Civil Services Prelim Exam are allowed to attend Paper A and Paper B of Mains written examination.
Candidates got to obtain a minimum of 25% marks in qualifying papers (Paper A and Paper B) as a stop to seem within the next 7 papers of the UPSC Civil Services Mains examination.
Cut off of UPSC Civil Services Mains written exam is calculated on the idea of minimum 10% marks in each of the competitive papers i.e., Essay paper, GS-I, GS-II, GS-III, GS-IV, Optional Paper-I, and Optional paper-II.
Each year on a mean, supported the Civil Services Mains Written Exam stop marks decided by UPSC, the amount of candidates shortlisted for the Interview stage is twice the entire number of vacancies to be filled through the UPSC Civil Services Exam.
UPSC stop of IAS Interview
The Interview or personality tests for UPSC Civil Services are conducted for a complete of 275 marks. There are not any minimum qualifying marks or cut off marks for UPSC Civil Services Interview.
FAQs associated with UPSC Cut Off Marks
Q. what's cut off marks for the UPSC Prelims exam 2020?
A. The expected stop marks of the UPSC Prelims exam predicted by the topic experts supported various parameters like vacancy, the problem level of the paper, and inputs from students. The expected stop for UPSC prelims 2020 is going to be updated soon.
Q. what's the cut off marks within the UPSC exam?
A. The cut-off mark in UPSC is that the minimum score that a candidate has got to qualify to seem within the next round of the choice process.
Q. When the official cut off marks are going to be released by UPSC?
A. The official cut-off marks for UPSC civil services exam are going to be released by UPSC after the declaration of the civil services outcome. Usually, UPSC releases the stop marks details within 15 days from the day the final results are declared. Candidates can check their marks and stop marks on the official website www.upsc.gov.in.
Q. How cut off marks springs by UPSC?
A. stop marks are the marks of the last candidate mark who got shortlisted for the services or qualified for mains. it always varies consistent with the vacancy number and category of the candidates (General, OBC, SC, ST).
Q. How expected cut off marks are predicted by coaching institutes?
A. The expected cut off marks for the civil services prelims exam are predicted supported student's feedback, vacancy details, and difficulty level of the prelims question paper.
Q. what's the official cut off marks for UPSC Prelims 2019?
A. The official stop marks of the 2019 civil services prelims exam are General - 98 marks, OBC - 95.34 marks, SC - 82 marks, ST - 77.34 marks.
Q. what's the official cut off marks for UPSC Mains 2019?
A. The official stop marks of the 2019 civil services mains exam are General - 751 marks, OBC - 718 marks, SC - 706 marks, ST - 699 marks.
Q. what's the official cut off marks for UPSC Prelims 2018?
A. The official cut off marks of the 2018 civil services prelims exam are General - 98 marks, OBC - 96.66 marks, SC - 84 marks, ST - 83.34 marks.
Q. what's the official cut off marks for UPSC Mains 2018?
A. The official cut off marks of the 2018 civil services mains exam are General - 774 marks, OBC - 732 marks, SC - 719 marks, ST - 719 marks.
Q. what's the official cut off marks for UPSC Prelims 2017?
A. The official cut off marks of the 2017 civil services prelims exam are General - 105.34 marks, OBC - 102.66 marks, SC - 88.66 marks, ST - 88.66 marks.
Q. what's the official cut off marks for UPSC Mains 2016?
A. The official cut off marks of the 2016 civil services mains exam are General - 787 marks, OBC - 745 marks, SC - 739 marks, ST - 730 marks.
Q. what's the official cut off marks for UPSC Prelims 2015?
A. The official cut off marks of the 2015 civil services prelims exam are General - 107.34 marks, OBC - 106 marks, SC - 94 marks, ST - 91.34 marks.
Q. what's the official cut off marks for UPSC Mains 2015?
A. The official cut off marks of the 2015 civil services mains exam are General - 676 marks, OBC - 630 marks, SC - 622 marks, ST - 617 marks
Q. what's the official cut off marks for UPSC Mains 2017?
A. The official cut off marks of the 2017 civil services mains exam are General - 809 marks, OBC - 770 marks, SC - 756 marks, ST - 749 marks.
Q. what's the official cut off marks for UPSC Prelims 2016?
A. The official cut off marks of the 2016 civil services prelims exam are General - 116 marks, OBC - 110.66 marks, SC - 99.34 marks, ST - 96 marks.
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