NTA conducts NEET during which 180 objective type questions are asked. Each correct answer will fetch you 4 marks while for each incorrect answer 1 mark is deducted from the entire score. Hence, it's wise for candidates to go away with questions during which they're not fully confident. If a candidate commits too many mistakes in NEET, then negative marking ultimately affects his/her All India Rank.
Causes of Negative Marking
1) Overconfidence: it's nice to be confident during the examination. But, there's a really little gap between confidence and overconfidence. Students often tick answers without reading questions carefully. This must be avoided during NEET.
2) Excitement: Many candidates appear in NEET for the primary time. They commit mistakes thanks to the excitement. In NEET, you don’t only get to read questions carefully. you ought to also read the four options carefully before selecting the proper one. albeit you discover the right answer within the first option, undergo the opposite options carefully.
3) Greed: The majority of candidates commit mistakes thanks to greed. They think that an accurate answer will award me 4 marks. Hence, they attempt too many questions without knowing the proper answer.
4) Luck Testing: Some candidates test their luck during the examination. They blindly tick random options without knowing the right answer or maybe reading the question paper. These students often find themselves getting marks like -10, -26, -35, etc.
5) Incorrect filling of OMR Sheet: In NEET, you would like to record your answer in an OMR sheet by circling the correct option. Many students commit mistakes while filling the OMR sheet.
How to Avoid Negative Marking in NEET?
There are not any written rules for avoiding negative marking in NEET or other competitive exams. But, you'll surely avoid it by following the below-mentioned points.
1) Read the questions carefully before selecting your answer.
2) Read all four options carefully before ticking the right answer.
3) Don’t attempt questions during which you're not fully confident.
4) Never select answers blindly thinking that a number of them will eventually get right and can fetch you 4 marks.
5) Circle the correct answer within the OMR sheet carefully.
6) Control your emotions within the examination hall and consider each question carefully
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