How to crack RAS Mains in 2 months?
Preparation Strategy- RAS Mains
In an exam like Rajasthan Administrative Service or UPSC - IAS for that matter, the amount of subjects and area of study is vast. So as an aspirant, you've got three variables: Number of subjects, Depth of study required in each subject and Time available. Your job is to maximise the merchandise of those three variables. as an example, if you study History thorough but fail to hide even the fundamentals of geography or current affairs your chances of passing the exam aren't great. Thus, it's always better to possess a sufficient understanding of all subjects, in order that you'll attempt maximum questions within the exam.
The summary of the above paragraph would be to organize for the themes on the idea of yield/effort ratio, i.e. invest some time such you'll attempt more questions with the foremost basic coverage and understanding. For this, you ought to also check out the previous year's question papers.
The first a part of the deconstructed syllabus should be easy to tackle, in only one revision for candidates who are preparing for RAS, alongside UPSC CSE but candidates who are preparing exclusively for RAS exam, they need to undergo the essential of recent India, World History, Indian & World Geography and Indian & World Economy. Our advice to all or any aspirants would be to only revise these subjects before the exam once, and not be tempted by any new books/material.
For the second a part of the deconstructed syllabus, i.e. the Rajasthan explicit part, the arrangement has done during prelims should get the job done and no additional exertion is required. The important book recommended is Bhalla for Rajasthan specific topics. Again, we might advise to only revise the mains specific portion with special emphasis on Rajasthani culture, History and Geography. For Rajasthan Economy, the given year's economic review must be prepared thoroughly.
For the Sociology part, the IGNOU material might be referred. it's simple, concise and relevant. Indian society and its problems like casteism, communalism, regionalism, urbanization etc. are often covered from Sociology NCERTs of sophistication 11th and 12th. For the tribes of Rajasthan one can refer Bhalla, yet again.
For Accounting and auditing part, the relevant chapters of sophistication 11th and 12th Commerce NCERTs books must be referred. No got to choose complex numerical problems or anything of that kind, just the idea would suffice. you'll also refer T.N. Chhabra for this section of the syllabus.
Coming to the general public Administration & Management and Administrative Ethics, books like Lakshmikanth (the Public administration one, not the Polity one), G. Subba Rao are often referred alongside Class 11th and 12th NCERTs and T.N Chhabra. Aspirants must take under consideration the overlap between the 2 sections and therefore the two papers.
For Behaviour part, Psychology NCERT books for sophistication 11th and 12th (only the relevant chapters) must be referred which will suffice for the exam. Lakshmikanth for topics like motivation and Leadership is often referred.
For the Law part, prepare the essential definitions from the IGNOU material. For the legal issues like RTI, harassment at the workplace Act, POCSO etc, you simply got to know the essential provisions, recent amendments, if any, and therefore the analysis in terms of their effectiveness, relevance and therefore the challenges in their implementation. For the Rajasthan laws, you want to know the gist, definitions and therefore the working, in terms of officials, rules, appellate mechanism and grievance redressal.
Science and Technology are often prepared with the assistance of NCERTs books from class 6th to 12th, restrict yourself to the relevant topics only. Additional emphasis must tend to current affairs and relevant policies. for instance, Mission Chandrayaan 2, IPR policy 2016 etc.
For Sports and Yoga, you ought to be thorough with the recent awardees, important games, for instance, commonwealth games 2018, Gold Coast etc., the Awards instituted in India and their significance, Sports Policies, Yoga- its importance, basic poses, and yoga as India's soft power.
Refer, Economic Review of state of Rajasthan for state Schemes, Economic Survey for GoI Schemes and current National and native Daily for current affairs. confirm to notice down important events in your notes for the exam.
Lastly, don't ignore Hindi and English, you'll get good scores easily if you prepare well, especially the grammar portion. Practise the formats for notification, formal letters, government circulars, communiques etc.
RAS Mains-Answer Writing
Coming to the point of yield/effort ratio, the parts of the deconstructed syllabus like sociology, law, behaviour, yoga and sports alongside General English and General Hindi should be prepared at the earliest. An integrated approach should be applied for topics for Management, Public Administration, Administrative ethics, Accounting and auditing.
Additionally, answer writing for various sorts of questions i.e. separately for two markers, 5 markers and 10 markers should be continued alongside the preparation, keeping in mind the word limits. One can join any decent Test Series for Mains exam by RAS Online Course to regularly check the extent of your own preparation.
Happy Studying!