How to become an IAS Officer?
The dream of becoming an IAS officer gets around 4 – 5 lakh students per annum to seem for the government officials Exam. Out of those, only a get few (around 1000 candidates) make it to the ultimate list.
Even though numerous candidates put in their blood and sweat into preparation, it's only a lucky few that make it through. So what are the qualities that these select few possess which other candidates don't have? What makes these lucky few eligibles for one among the foremost prestigious jobs in India?
Let us check out this text to seek out the qualities of an IAS officer
The exam has been designed in such how that it pushes the candidate to his maximum limit. The long arduous exam which has such a huge syllabus is really designed to check whether the candidate has the attitude of an IAS officer. Is he really cut bent take the job? Remember, as they assert, ”This is an exam to fail the candidate to not pass the candidate.”
Keeping this in mind one must possess certain skills that may help him clear the exam and even be successful in his job. The behavior of an IAS officer has got to be possessed or developed within the exam stage itself. Here may be a list of 10 qualities I feel are needed for you to crack the exam and become an excellent IAS officer.
1. Discipline
One of the main qualities of an IAS officer is discipline. During the exam, you study such a huge syllabus. it's said that you simply complete 3 graduations within the same amount of studies that you do for UPSC. For covering such a huge syllabus it's important for an individual to possess discipline. an individual has got to consistently put within the required hours day in, outing for an extended period of your time.
This discipline helps you in your career further. An IAS doesn't have holidays, he has got to work long hours a day. In such times it's this discipline that keeps him going. an individual who doesn't have this discipline will wear out and lose focus.
2. Curiosity
The second of the foremost important qualities of an IAS officer is curiosity. The syllabus for UPSC covers multiple subjects starting from economics, polity, history, geography, and the environment. Keeping this in mind an individual must be curious to develop interest and study all the themes. If the individual isn't curious, he cannot cover the whole syllabus.
Moreover, he should be keen to constantly continue learning for the questions within the exam are very dynamic and associated with current happenings.
In his job too, an IAS officer has got to be curious. for somebody who is heading a neighborhood, an IAS officer has got to affect the political, social, economic situations within the area. His decisions are influenced by historical and geographical characteristics of the world.
Also, an IAS works in multiple departments of the govt. He could be within the ministry of finance someday and within the ministry of defense the opposite. Considering this, a curious mind is extremely important for an individual to find out the intricacies of the work.
3. Perseverance
To keep trying until one reaches his/her goal is named perseverance. For clearing, this exam one must possess the standard of perseverance. He has got to try until he succeeds. That’s the rationale a candidate is allowed to aim the exam multiple times.
Perseverance plays an important part within the career of a successful IAS officer, as such, it's a crucial quality of an IAS officer with the numerous stakeholders and interest groups, an IAS should possess the standard to pursue his targets with perseverance. He should be stubborn enough to stay trying till you succeed.
4. Patience
Patience is another crucial quality of an IAS officer. The exam spans over a period of 1 year, the preparation usually takes one year. So on a mean, a candidate has got to work towards this exam for a period of two years, provided he clears within the first attempt.
An average aspirant spends anything between 2-3 years in cracking the exam. Such an extended period of consistent efforts need patience.
In the system, which is so sluggish, patience is that the key. it's said that “policymaking moves one-two progress and one step backward.” supported this an individual must be extremely patient to realize targets. Hasty deciding and impatience can cause more damage than good.
5. Focus
To keep all distractions away and to consider one aim may be a much-needed quality of an IAS officer. While appearing for this exam you'll see that your friends are enjoying their financial independence.
Watching movies, going bent eat, meeting friends are somethings you can't consider. you've got to stay such distractions cornered and work towards your goal.
The same goes for your job. Being an IAS officer has its perks and privileges. Sometimes the facility, respect, and standing that you simply get can attend your head. In such a situation, a successful IAS officer can keep this stuff cornered and specialize in his work.
6. Analytical Ability
As you study for this exam you'll understand that not all situations are black and white. I such a case the necessity of the exam is for you to know the difficulty, get different perspectives on things, and provides a balanced judgment.
A similar analytical ability is required for the work also.
For example, if you shut a factory which employs child labor, you'll steal the livelihood of the youngsters who might resort to criminal activities which are equally bad.
You need to possess balanced decision-making abilities to make sure that the rights of youngsters aren't violated which their livelihood is additionally saved.
7. Time management
Studying such a huge syllabus, reading it, understanding it then revising it requires tons of your time. an individual must manage his time well alternatively he won’t be ready to complete the syllabus in time.
Similarly, an IAS is responsible for on the brink of 150 committees during a district. The workload is tremendous and it's humanly impossible to finish it if we don't skill to manage our time.
8. Communication skills – oral and written
A student has got to write 20 questions during a single paper in 3 hours. On a mean, he gets 6 minutes only to write down one question. This fact itself portrays the importance of written language. Similarly, within the interview, it's important to point out your best side in such a brief period of time.
An IAS too has got to have great communication skills. For on the work he must compile all the knowledge and project it to his political bosses for them to form the choice. Communication is of utmost importance for an IAS officer to figure with numerous stakeholders.
9. deciding
While studying for the exam, a candidate has got to decide, what to read? What to not read? When to study? Such endless choices need to be made fast.
The fear of creating the incorrect choice usually paralyzes an individual, compelling him to take care of established order. He doesn’t know what to review and the way to review, thus losing the race of the exam.
With such a lot of power, an IAS has got to make many crucial decisions that may make or break the project. Researching all the knowledge and make the right choice may be a very complex activity.
The majority of the IAS to fail to require the choice out of fear of a misjudgment. Decision-making ability separates good IAS officers from the remainder.
10. Out of the box thinking
If you check out the syllabus you'll realize that the UPSC has not mentioned any standard books for the exam. this is often for the very fact that they need you to review any source that you simply prefer.
Even within the exam, you'll notice that the pages are blank as they need you to present your paper however you would like to. it's been observed that innovative answer writing fetches more marks than an uneventful one. For this, you would like to develop out of the box thinking.
The same goes for the work of a politician. the necessity is to develop innovative solutions to issues and problems. For this, an individual needs logic, sense, and tons of out of the box thinking.
The qualities of an IAS officer discussed here are the prerequisites of a successful IAS officer. albeit you are doing not possess them at this stage, they will be developed over time with persistent efforts and proper guidance.
We at Utkarsh Classes believe that nobody is born with these qualities, it needs proper grooming to mold an IAS officer.
For this, we've launched the UPSC IAS Online Course, where we offer personalized mentorship to every student. The mentor provides strategies to review, solves doubts, and motivates you to stay on working consistently till you achieve your goal.