Factors to think about for selecting your UPSC optional subject
Choosing the simplest IAS Optional Subject wisely can make all the difference in an aspirant's final score. Since the progressions inside the assessment example of 2014-15, UPSC discretionary subject assumes a significant part in IAS planning on the grounds that, in Mains composed assessment, all GS papers have equivalent weight-age, so as to qualify mains and crack IAS, it'd just come right down to the marks you score in your optional subject. There also are a bunch of popular optional for IAS.
So you've got to be very careful while selecting the Optional paper. repeatedly students get confused and find yourself taking a wrong optional, which can cost them with a precious attempt. These are the few common mistakes they are doing while selecting an optional subject:
So here during this article, we tried to cover all the aspects of optional subjects. We concoct the Dos and Don'ts while choosing a discretionary subject. this may assist you to make your mind for the simplest suitable optional subject for you.
We have made a stepwise procedure to follow up, which may cause you to help to urge out this confusion.
What does the simplest optional mean for the IAS exam?
First, allow us to assess what determines the simplest optional subject for the IAS exam.
Here, we've listed a few criteria, aspirants believe that determines the simplest optional subject for the IAS exam.
Scoring one?
Popular one?
Easy to understand?
Availability of study materials?
Availability of Study groups?
Availability of Best teachers?
Based on graduation or Post graduation?
Success rates within the UPSC results?
1. High scoring Subject
Candidates choose the optional subject supported high scores achieved by IAS toppers within the previous years.
Suggestion: Never choose the optional subject supported the highest many the toppers. per annum, different toppers get different scores within the optional subject. there's no standard that each year that optional subject is going to be high scoring.
2. Popularity of the Optional Subject
Few aspirants choose the optional subject supported the recognition of the optional subject Say for instance Few subjects like History, Geography, politics, Public Administration are a number of the favored optional subjects within the UPSC exam preparation.
Suggestion: Yes you'll choose those popular optional subjects but it should be your choice then as long as you're interested to read that optional subject. If you opt supported popularity alone then it's not advisable to settle on that optional subject.
3. Understand-ability of the topic
Many aspirants choose the optional subject supported the understanding ability of the optional subject.
Suggestion: Yes, you'll choose the optional subject that supported your understanding and your compatibility with the topic. (But this is often one among the standards for selecting optional)
4. supported the availability of Study material, study group, and training
This is one of the foremost popular criteria for selecting an optional subject. Which is advisable and recommendable for selecting the optional subject. Since, without appropriate investigation material, friends, and great tutors one can't get ready adequately for UPSC Civil Services Examination.
5. Optional Subject selection supported graduation courses
Few aspirants select optional subjects supported the graduation and Post-graduation subjects. Say for instance, if the aspirant has done MBA and he has one among his/her option as Management optional.
Suggestion: The syllabus of UPSC and therefore the syllabus of graduation may match 60 to 70% of the graduation courses. If you're curious about that subject and cozy with the UPSC syllabus then choose that optional. But never choose the optional subject because what you probably did in earlier graduation course.
Factors to think about for selecting your UPSC optional subject
Here is that the checklist for selecting your optional Subject for the UPSC IAS Mains Exam.
Your interest in the subject
Understanding ability and confidence level you've got thereon subject
Subject coordination with GS Syllabus to disentangle your GS Preparation
Analyze previous year Mains question papers
Mains Syllabus for optional subject
Role of Current Affairs
Availability of excellent teacher to guide you
Success Percentage over the years
Some common queries regarding choosing optional?
1. I do not want to settle on my optional subject supported my graduation course, and that I do not have sufficient knowledge in other optional subjects listed in the UPSC notification, Please suggest?
Even you do not know intimately about the all optional subject, you'll definitely have a good idea on a few subjects like History, Geography, politics, etc.
First Shortlist subject you're conversant in then do the subsequent
Read the entire syllabus of the shortlisted subject
Refer last 3 to 4 years mains question paper
Whichever subject you are feeling, that I'm capable of comprehending from the syllabus and understand the demand of UPSC question means you'll start performing on that optional subject.
2. am I able to Choose an Optional Subject supported my senior's suggestion?
You are liberal to get opinions and suggestions from your friends and seniors, but the choice should be made up of your side. Choose an optional subject that supported your interest, recent trends, syllabus and Question paper pattern, etc.
3. I chose one optional subject of my interest but now I feel uncomfortable, what should I do?
This went on to several aspirants, Make a wise decision because the optional subject plays a very crucial role in the UPSC Mains exam. If you are feeling uncomfortable don't hesitate to vary your optional subject.
4. I'm curious about choosing Xyz optional, but I m not comfortable in answering the questions?
Since you're curious about reading that shows you're comfortable thereupon subject, meaning you're facing problems in answer writing skills. Answer writing is often improved by way of writing more answers. So, keep practicing.
5. Suggest some optional subjects, which can be helpful for my General Studies Preparation too
There are few optional subjects that have overlap with General Studies syllabus. Here we've listed some optional subjects for your reference
Public Administration has overlap with GS paper 2 polity, Governance, constitution, and few topics in GS Paper 3 and 4
Political Theory subjects have some cover with GS paper 2 International Relation area segment
History discretionary subject deals with GS Paper 1 history prospectus.
Geography Optional subject has covered with GS Paper 1 Geography Syllabus and GS paper 3 Environment segment.
Law optional covers the Polity section of GS paper 2.
Sociology optional takes care of the Indian Society section in GS paper 1 and Essay paper.
6. I appeared with Xyz optional subject in two or more mains but I'm not getting good marks and unable to clear mains. am I able to Change my optional subject?
This is the foremost difficult question and therefore the important decision-making situation in your exam preparation. If you are feeling confident that I will be able to get an honest score with an equivalent optional then stick with an equivalent optional.
But if you are feeling, you would like to vary the optional subject, then decide supported some time availability and compatibility with the new subject.
Again, it's your call, if you would like you're liberal to change the optional subject.
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