6 Month Preparation Strategy for NEET 2020
NEET 2021 is just 6 months away. If there is any time to kick start your preparation for NEET, it is now! Any further delay can be late. Cracking the NEET exam in just 6 months is tough, but with the right strategizing and execution techniques, you can score good marks. Following are 5 key tips that can help you to prepare for NEET 2021 in 6 months -
Understand the NEET syllabus with just 6 months left, aspirants must be completely aware of the NEET syllabus. It is a known fact that NEET aspirants must be familiar with the NCERT syllabus of Classes 11 and 12. List the common topics and concentrate on the topics that are not covered in NCERT.
Sick to Study Schedule After knowing the syllabus, students should prepare a study schedule to cover the NEET syllabus as quickly as possible. The schedule should be realistic and give you space to understand each topic. The timetable should also include small breaks after 1-2 hours of study. Don't be too harsh on yourself have a minimum of 6-8 hours of sound sleep. Read the textbook for all the three subjects – Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and be thorough with them. All the theoretical questions are going to be asked from the textbook only.
Prepare Short Notes Handwritten short notes are one of the best ways to revise topics quickly. These short notes greatly help in the last minute revision. Go NCERT with utmost attention once, start preparing your notes. Maintain a separate notebook for this, where you briefly mention all the important information while maintaining all the terminologies used in the NCERT textbook. It is necessary to not change terminologies of the book as questions appear in the exam with the same terminologies
Practice and Analyse NEET aspirants need to join NEET Online Coaching to solve mock tests and analyze the mistakes all at the same time. Practicing previous year question papers and mock tests help candidates in solving objective type questions, know the topics from which the questions are frequently asked. This will provide an exam day environment for candidates in advance. Mock tests are the most effective tools to analyze performance and in retrospect reflect on one’s mistakes and strive towards converting them into strengths.
Stay PositiveYour NEET journey will take a lot of hard words, perseverance, studying, learning, and sacrifice. It is really important to stay positive in this whole process as the NEET 2021 syllabus is vast as the ocean, and it might seem difficult in the starting. Mugging up will not help because there is so much study but understanding the topics will increase the confidence of the aspirants as a good understanding of one concept will help in comprehending the next topic.
Finally, We are amid a pandemic, so take care of your health. Eat healthy & homemade food. Follow all the safety measures & kick off your NEET 2021 preparation with a great state of the mind.