There is an ample number of common mistakes that are committed by applicants in the UPSC exam per annum, to avoid these Common Mistakes of each UPSC IAS Aspirant.
6 common Mistakes of each UPSC IAS Aspirant

1. Writing
Aspirants generally don't put in much effort and focus on their writing skills, which becomes an element that affects their score within the mains exam as writing essays is one among the standards for the selection process. Well, if you are doing specialize in your writing skills then you've got just passed the phase 1 of this error but that’s not all, the opposite mistake made by IAS Aspirants is that they specialize in improving their writing and typing skills and don't give enough specialize in exam-oriented writing, that you ought to possess a fluent flow of data which too within the right direction.
2. Reading newspaper
It is one of the foremost common advice that each other person gives to an IAS Aspirant but only reading a newspaper isn't all, you want to know what to read and the way to differentiate between facts and gossip. Our trained faculty teaches our students about the 2 important segments during a newspaper from an exam point of view,
Events – These assist you to know and remember the facts and figures
Issues – These assist you understand views and reviews of others that helps in
building and developing your understanding and opinion of the matter.
3. Mock Tests
Aspirants generally ignore the importance of test series and mock tests due to which they become unaware of the paper patterns, important topics, and lots of other points that would have guided them in the right direction. We at Next IAS conduct weekly classroom tests for our students and have a set of other test series also.
4. Revision
We all grew up listening to the phrase “Practice makes a person perfect” but somehow many USPC Aspirants fail to implicate it in their lives and spend tons of your time reading something new instead of investing time into reading something new and revising the old ones. So these two should be in parity.
5. Time management
Even if you are doing not make any of the above four mistakes but make this one last mistake, all of your efforts and preparations may enter vain because proper time management may be a crucial element for clearing the UPSC Examination. Even after devoting years for the preparations, improper time management may cause unpleasant results.
6. To Join Coaching Institute
If an IAS aspirant tries to prepare without joining IAS Coaching Institute, It is important to join the best coaching for IAS preparation because in coaching they provide you the right guidance and also update you about the syllabus and study material. So according to me coaching is very important to clear the IAS exam, as we know that the IAS exam is one of the toughest exams and very hard to crack and self-study is not sufficient to prepare for IAS Exam.